Blakely’s Friday Interview with Judith Barrow

Please give a warm welcome to Judith Barrow, author of Changing Patterns. Make sure to check the bottom of the page for a giveaway.

2Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
My name is Judith Barrow, and I feel that, finally, I can say I am an author. A lifelong ambition. I grew up in a small village in the Pennines, North West England and for the last thirty four years, have lived with my husband, David, and my family in Wales. Currently I am promoting Changing Patterns, the sequel to my first book, Pattern of Shadow.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
Pattern of Shadows and Changing Patterns (which came out earlier this month) could be described as sagas, the life stories of my characters. But, because they’re written during WW2 and in the fifties I think of them as Historical fiction as well. And there again there’s also touches of romance and crime … so, in the end I leave it to the reader to decide.

I have also written a book that is fictional but based on fact. Silent Trauma is a story of four women affected in different ways by a drug. Stilboestrol is an artificial oestrogen prescribed to women between the decades of the nineteen forties and seventies, ostensibly to prevent miscarriages. Not only was it ultimately proved to be ineffectual it also caused drastic and tragic damage to the daughters of the women. I learned about the charity (DES Action) some years ago through a relative and became involved.

Your next question – “Who or what inspires you?” – could be covered by the reason I wrote Silent Trauma. I was inspired after I wrote an article for the annual newsletter and the mothers and daughters, affected by the drug, began to contact me. The characters in the book are a mixture of all the women I have spoken to.

Do you have an agent and/or publisher or are you self-published? If self-published, do you use a professional editor? If traditionally published, who is your publisher?
I don’t have an agent. I did but we had different ideas on what would work for me so I decided to go it alone. It’s worked out well. Honno, a small independent publisher took me on for Pattern of Shadows and Changing Patterns and it’s working well. I self -published Silent Trauma because I’d been trying traditional publishers for years and they were wary of what they called “an issue-led novel”. I donate ten per cent of the royalties to the charity.

What advice do you have for writer’s just starting out?
Join a writing group or class if you can (I run one or two in Pembrokeshire where I live and it always amazes me how much untapped and unrecognized talent there is) The main thing I would advise is to listen to feedback, take it on board, and then use as you wish, always remembering opinion is subjective.

What does your writing space look like?
Now our children are grown and flown, I’m lucky enough to have my own study. It’s an L-shaped room with one end for my writing and the other for my painting (purely a hobby). The ceiling slopes and has two Velux windows to give me as much light as possible. I have units and shelves for all my files and folders of material for teaching creative writing and a lovely big desk. I am very lucky to have my own space. From my window I look out over the roofs of a couple of houses and then over fields filled with tree and a few grazing horse. I know that just beyond the horizon there is the sea. I can’t see it but I know it’s there.

What are your three favorite books including the authors?
A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Maya Angelou. And anything by Pat Barker, which also answers your next question “ Who is your favorite author and why?” I think her writing is so complex; she mixes absolutely exquisite description with dialogue that is so believable the reader lives within the internal lives of each of her characters. I am, and have been for a long time, a real fan of her work.

What project are you currently working on?
I’ve just finished a novella, The Memory, the story of a woman living with her mother who has dementia. Something I have personal experience of. It started out as a memoir/ short story and finished up as a thirty-four thousand novella. I’ve never written one before. I’m now starting the outline of the third book that will follow Pattern of Shadows and Changing Patterns.

Is being an author your dream job? If so, how long have you been chasing the dream?
Yes. And too many years to mention.

What has been your best moment as a writer?
Holding Pattern of Shadows before my first reading in front of an audience. Feeling sick with nerves – yet ecstatic at the same time.

What challenges have you faced in your writing career?
Too many to mention – but mainly my own lack of confidence and belief that I could actually write.

How much time a day do you spend on social media?
It varies. Initially not a lot. Nowadays I find myself drawn in. I want to read everybody’s blog and look at all the websites and answer all the posts on Facebook and Twitter. Not long ago I was ‘Unfriended’ on Facebook by a ‘real life’ friend because of all the shares I was putting on my Timeline. She said I was doing too much; it cluttered up her page. It threw me for a while – perhaps there is a balance I’ve yet to find.

Do you read your reviews and if so, how do you cope with a bad one?
Yes. And take it on the chin. Evaluate it. If I think it’s warranted I bear it in mind for the next WIP.

I have found the writer’s community to be very supportive and welcoming.  Please share three writers that you recommend for us to check out.

  1. Juliet Greenwood – website, Facebook, Twitter
  2. H E Joyce – website, Facebook, Twitter
  3. Kim Cresswell – website, Facebook, Twitter

Please be sure to friend Judith Barrow on Facebook, follow on Twitter and check out her website. Honno Press has a fabulous Facebook giveaway for both wonderful WWII novels by Judith Barrow! Like and/or share Honno Press FB page for a chance to win.

Click on the cover to buy Changing Patterns.


My Body Trilogy Virtual Book Tour

My Body Trilogy Button 300 x 225

I’m very excited to share that my virtual book tour is starting today. There will be an ebook giveaway at each site so make sure to comment!

Below are all the links for the coming days. You can also hit the tour button on the right sidebar on the home page which will take you to the most current site. You can also join the My Body Trilogy Virtual Book Tour event on Facebook where I will be posting updates each day.

If you come across a blog you would like to comment on or have other questions for me after reading one of the interviews, feel free to post your questions here or on Facebook.

I’m excited about the guest blogs, interviews and reviews. Let me know what you think!

Warm hugs,


July 29 Interview
Tanya’s Book Nook

July 30 Interview
Vision + Verse

July 31 Reviews
Compare our Men. book whores

August 1 Review
Romance Addict Book Blog

August 2 Interview
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom

August 3 Spotlight
Momma’s Secret Book Obsession

August 5 Guest blog
Roxanne’s Realm

August 7 Guest blog and Review
Erzabet Bishop

August 8 Spotlight and Reviews
Faerie Tale Books

August 8 Guest blog
Fangs, Wands & Fairy Dust

August 8 Guest blog
Literal Hotties Naughty Book Reviews

August 9 Character Interview and Review
Nightstand Novels

August 12 Guest blog
The Official Blog of A.C. James

August 12 Spotlight and Review
My Daily Romance

August 12 Guest blog
Smoldering Heat

August 12 Interview
Malfunction Erotica

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Leanna Harrow

Leanna Glamour shotPlease give a warm welcome to Leanna Harrow, author of A Beautiful Liar~Book One of the Maggie West Series. She has been incredibly supportive of yours truly and I consider myself lucky to know her. She also host author interviews, so give her a shout out if you are interested. Without further ado:

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m currently promoting A Beautiful Liar~Book One of the Maggie West Series. It’s an erotic romance about a woman who encounters a “catfish” online and embarks on a willful deception and becomes involved in long distance romance with him.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
Erotica, but I am currently working on a strictly romance book with a friend and bestselling author for Christmas!

Do you have an agent and/or publisher or are you self-published? If self-published, do you use a professional editor? If traditionally published, who is your publisher?
I self published my first two books early last year, announced it on LinkedIn and an acquisitions editor for a publisher saw my post and asked to read my manuscript. Two days later, I received an acceptance letter. They will have five of my books out by November of this year. It’s been a pretty hectic year that’s for sure!

Do you set writing goals and if so, what are they?
I can’t set goal, or follow guidelines or adhere to deadlines. I am not built that way. I write when I want and when I don’t I can’t. I don’t suffer from writers block; I suffer from “writers don’t want to”. I can’t force myself to do anything anymore. My mind and my body won’t allow me to. I guess it’s due to old age 😉

Who is your favorite author and why?
That’s too easy…Stephen King…because he’s as weird as I am 😉

Do you see yourself in any of your characters?
I modeled Maggie West after myself…literally. I used my life’s story as the back story in Book One and I knew that she would be someone that everyone, men and women alike could relate to because she’s strong, independent and tough. Everyone knows someone like Maggie. She’s someone’s mother, sister, aunt, cousin, grandmother, cousin. She’s someone everyone can say “Hey, that’s ______” and fill in the blank.

Was one of your characters more challenging to write than another?
In my erotic thriller “Killing the Desire” the serial killer was hard to write because a lot of research had to go into it…I know a lot about serial killer due to my fascination with them and the amount of time I’ve spent reading and watching stories about them but I wrote a story unlike one I had ever heard of so I had to really look into what I was writing about to make it believable.

Do you base your characters on people you know?
I try and always give someone I know a cameo…the usually figure it out 😉

How much time a day do you spend on social media?
Way, way too much!

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?
“Another 10 year old trying to write” and this review left on Amazon for Killing the Desire: “This is one saucy number that will have you drenched with equal parts suspense and passion. A little bit of Carolyn Keene meets Zane with just a touch of E.L. James makes for quite the interesting romp on the hotter side of erotic suspense. You definitely want to give this author a shot.” I had to Google the authors as I didn’t know who they were…Seriously…I didn’t know who E.L. James was as I don’t read erotica 😉 I look at criticism, both good and bad like I do publicity…it’s all good 😉

I have found the writer’s community to be very supportive and welcoming.  Please share three writers that you recommend for us to check out.

  1. Barbara Winkes
  2. Barbara C Rowe
  3. Blakely Bennett (Because she seems to have a hand in everything…like me 😉  {THANKS LEANNA!}

Please be sure to check out Leanna’s Amazon Page, Author Tease Readings Blog,  Facebook and Twitter.

Click on the covers below to buy her books.

FINAL A Beautiful Liar Cover_200x300_dpi72

KillingtheDesire_Draft book cover from DamnationSS Book Cover


BDSM Leads to Better Mental Health?

bdsm blog postI just finished reading a very interesting article by Emma Gray on Huffington Post called BDSM Correlated With Better Mental Health, Says Study. It’s a fascinating read and there is a video clip as well.

Please let me clarify that they don’t mean that participating in the act of BDSM is what causes better mental health as opposed to their vanilla counterparts. The supposition of the researchers who ran the study is that because BDSM lives outside of the “norm”, it causes people to be more self-reflective which may lead to a happier life. They also believe that because kinky types of sex practices requires much more communication and self-disclosure, that those who participate may have closer, more connected relationships.

As someone who took many psych classes in college including research methods, their bondage purplestudy is a bit thin. However, I tend to agree with the findings anyway. As I have mentioned many times on my blog, communication is the key to a closer relationship and better sex. Willingness to share fantasies that fall outside of the norm requires trust and also a knowing of oneself.

Healthy BDSM relationships use safewords and other forms of communication necessary to safely explore the depths of their desires. There seems to be something very powerful within relationships where one person willingly relinquishes control while the other takes the responsibility for having it.

The most upsetting part of the article for me was the reminder that BDSM and other fetishes fall in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) under paraphilia which means abnormal sexual activity. BDSM is a choice, not a psychological dysfunction!

Why as a society do we need to all be alike? For me, any sexual activity done between consenting adults is none of my business and shouldn’t be anyone else’s.  As I have mentioned before, I do not live the BDSM lifestyle but find it truly fascinating to think about and write into my novels.

As a writer I get to travel to places I dare not go and am looking forward to my next adventure. 😉 Where do your fantasies take you?  Are you with a partner that encourages you to talk about them?  Take a chance this week and risk sharing one of your fantasies with your lover.

Love to read your comments on this post.

Warm hugs,


Please feel free to friend me on Facebook.
And like the My Body Trilogy Facebook page.
Find me Twitter & Pinterest.

Email Me


Blakely’s Friday Interview with Debbie Brown

Please give a warm welcome to Debbie Brown, author of Amethyst Eyes.

book coverTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I am first and foremost a Mom. I have been a nurse, a teacher, a martial arts instructor (owning my own MA school), and an officer in the Canadian Forces. Until I became physically limited, I used to enjoy woodworking, auto mechanics, painting murals, gardening, flying small planes and a few others.

Right now I am working on the sequel to Amethyst Eyes, which was my first novel. Since its release, Rebirth (an unrelated YA novel) and Emma, to Begin Again, have been also been released. Emma is a stand-alone novel, but tells the story of Tommy’s parents (MC in Amethyst Eyes), so it can be taken as the prequel to the series.

Who or what inspires you?
Life inspires me, and not always the good things either. I lost my daughter 3 years ago and was injured in the process…leaving me barley able to walk. I needed to create a place where people cared about people, where human emotions were real, where there was hope. I turned to writing and Amethyst Eyes was the result.

Do you have an agent and/or publisher or are you self-published? If self-published, do you use a professional editor? If traditionally published, who is your publisher?
I received an offer from an agent for AE, but after consulting the Writer’s Beware website, I declined to deal with them. I then received an offer from a publisher, but when I heard that I wouldn’t see the book in print for almost 2 years, I again declined and went with assisted publishing. I needed to ‘hold’ my book…it was part of my healing process and I couldn’t wait.

I was offered a contract for Rebirth by GMTA Publishing and I really liked the service I got. They have also published Emma and are waiting for the AE sequel.
I have had ALL my novels professionally edited. I find it expensive, but it is a MUST. You cannot undo a first impression, and I wouldn’t want to print trash. I have seen too many comments about books where readers tell the author to get an editor. Sad.

Do you use test readers? If so, how many?
I have a small critique group with both men and women, and I find their input invaluable. I had up to 8 readers but I don’t think so many are needed. What’s important is that the ones you have given you feedback.

I have to admit that I was a little uncomfortable having Emma read by men…it is told through a female POV and deals with emotions, feelings and such… there is no sex in my novels but It still felt strange to have guys read it. Some of the comments were funny though…the “oh please…” when she (MC) shared her appreciation for him LOL.

What advice do you have for writer’s just starting out?
Write…just write. Until you have something to work with, you can’t get ahead. Once you have a MS, get some friends, family, a critique group or anyone to read it and give you feedback. Oh, and remember YOU are the author, so you get the last word in the changes. If the same comment comes back over and over again…you might want to change that part. Once you’ve written, read, reread, and critiqued, you should have it edited by a professional. (Someone in your genre!) Having a romance author critique horror just won’t work, likewise a suspense writer would not be a good romance critique.

Do you set writing goals and if so, what are they?
For this novel, (the Amethyst Eyes sequel), my goal is to get it done BEFORE I give birth…because I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the book out on time. The baby is due a month before the book launch…and the race is on!

Aside from participating in Nanowrimo, I don’t really have any goals. If I have a delivery date to respect, I do.

There will be one final book in the series. For now, there is no date or time limit hanging over my head, although I don’t think it’ll be more than a year between the two.

What does your writing space look like?
I have a great library in my home, with a view of a woodland right outside my window. Unfortunately, it’s on the second floor…which means that on the days my leg does not cooperate -I cannot go up and down the stairs. So, for now, I write in the living room, on a small chair in the corner of the room or even outside while my daughter plays in the yard. Not the best situation, but it’s worked so far.

Is there a message in your book(s) that you want readers to grasp?
Rebirth is about caring for our environment and working together. It’s a pretty cool adventure and a wild ride for the characters, but I think the twist on ‘the consequences of ones actions’ is good.

Do you base your characters on people you know?
My characters usually come alive on their own. I have even had some simply show up in the middle of the scene and turn out to be an essential part of the story. It’s cool because I get to discover them as I write. I have met so many people over the years in and out of work related activities that I seemed to have collected traits from all of them…and I just let whatever come out.

In one story, I based the character on one of my daughter’s attitudes when she was being difficult. She read the first page, whirled around to me and asked, “Is that me?” Busted, LOL.

Do you read your reviews and if so, how do you cope with a bad one?
I like to see what people think about my books.

The worst review I got made me laugh so much…I thought it was one of my friends on a rant. She took the book personally, as though I had literally attacked her through it. Her comments were the opposite of almost everyone else’s…Interesting…to say the least. I have some 50+ comments on Amethyst Eyes, so I didn’t take it personally, but seriously, get a life, woman.

What fascinates me is the rating system (or lack of)…some reviews go on and on about how they loved it, and yet they only gave it 3 stars. Did I miss something?

Or, another favorite…the story is for middle grade-YA readers…NOT for adults, so the way it has been written reflects the readership. In my opinion it should not be judged from an adult POV.

And of course this one… “in my experience…” Well, I have written from MY experience, so the fact that the baby didn’t cry on and on (in Rebirth), was because of my experience raising 4 children. I have NEVER spent a sleepless night up with any of them. Lucky I guess.

But as I said, I don’t take it personally. If I was to encounter the same negative comment over and over, then I would seriously re-examine my work. I write because I enjoy it and I hope others can appreciate what they find in the book.

I have found the writer’s community to be very supportive and welcoming.  Please share three writers that you recommend for us to check out.

  1. Liz Grace Davis, author of Tangi’s Teardrops and Chocolate Aftertaste. Liz’s Blog.
  2. MJ Kane, author of The Butterfly Memoirs. MJ’s Blog.
  3. Kristine Cayne, author of Aftershocks. Kristine’s website.

Please be sure to check out Debbie Brown’s social media below.



Facebook Book Page
Goodreads Author Page
Book Trailer
Author Page

Mourning the end of the My Body Trilogy

Sad-Love-Quotes-Desktop-WallpaperToday is the official release day of My Body-Mine, the last book of the My Body-Trilogy. I have completed novels and projects before, but this is the first time I have experienced a kind of sadness at the end. I’m pretty sure that the feeling stems from saying goodbye to Jane, my protagonist but maybe a little bit for Marcello as well.

I didn’t quite understand the phenomenon until I heard an interview with Daniel Day-Lewis. He spoke of his portrayal of Abraham Lincoln and how he missed seeing the world through his eyes.

I have been viewing the world through Jane’s eyes for a good bit of time now, three novels worth, and I will miss her, am missing her.

Some readers struggled with the fact that Jane stayed so long with Luke and yelled in their heads that she should get out, should run in the opposite direction, but Jane, like many women, chose to stay in a sometimes abusive relationship with the hopes that she would eventually get the love she truly needed. I love the story she set before me of struggle, self-reflection, perseverance and ultimate empowerment. Many of my readers have identified with her story and will be cheering her on in the end.

Some of my fans are hoping I write more of her journey in the future, however, Jane and I have parted company because I feel her story is complete, hence the mourning. On the bright side, if the trilogy does really well, I do have plans to write a prequel about Luke and Janice’s relationship prior to Jane. I personally would love to be in Luke’s mind and get to know more about him and his motivations.

I know as a reader, I have encountered this emotion before … of not wanting a book or a series to end. It’s rather more personal and intense on the writing side of things for me. There have been books, though, that I love so much, I had to read them again and still wish they wouldn’t come to an end. The Time Traveler’s Wife, Siddhartha and Replay come to mind.

Colin Firth put it so brilliantly: “When I’m really in to a novel, I’m seeing the world differently during that time – not just for the hour or so in the day when I get to read, I’m actually walking around in a bit of a haze, spellbound by the book and looking at everything through a different prism.”

Have you, as a writer or reader had the experience of mourning the end? Please share with us.

Warm hugs,


Please feel free to friend me on Facebook.
And like the My Body Trilogy Facebook page.
Find me Twitter & Pinterest.

Email Me

Blakely’s Friday Interview with M. Peters

AuthorPhotoPlease give a warm welcome to M. Peters, author of Undisclosed Desire.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.  Currently, I’m working on promoting my first novel, Undisclosed Desire, while I write my second book, a followup to that novel.  It is untitled as of yet.

What genre is your book? Adult Paranormal Romance.  Do you write in other genres as well? I’ve just started a Horror/Crime novel that I’m six or seven thousand words into. It’s completely different to what I normally write, and I’m enjoying the challenge.  Coming this week, snippets of that work and the sequel to Undisclosed Desire will be placed on my website.

Who or what inspires you? My soulmate inspires me – she and I have been together since we were sixteen years old, and we write together almost every day.

What advice do you have for writers just starting out?  Only you can write this story, in your own words, in your own way.  Also – edit LATER. Write first; there’s all the time in the world to edit later.

Do you set writing goals and if so, what are they?  Recently, my fiancée and I just finished our own sort of homage to November’s National Novel Writing Month – NaNoWriMo – in which you write 50,000 words of a new novel in one month – except that we only set ourselves the goal of writing 25,000 words.  And we’re trying to keep up a goal of writing five hundred words a day, just to keep our writing muscles flexing.

Do you outline your stories or just go with the flow?  I am an utter go-with-the-flow kind of writer.  I never understood the needs for writing outlines in school. I just made up the story around the prompts – and I do the same thing now. Pictures, music, a snippet of dialogue when I am out and about – they’re all inspirations.

Who is your favorite author and why?  Probably Stephen King, if I’m not allowed to quote my fiancée here, since she’s a writer, too.

Do you see yourself in any of your characters?  All writers set a little bit of themselves in their characters – we can’t help it.  While sometimes it’s no more than a quirk of their personality, every single one of our characters has some part of ourselves sewn into their makeup.

Was one of your characters more challenging to write than another?  I find very assertive characters a challenge to write unless the people in question are supposed to come off as distastefully arrogant, because I have a problem with assertiveness in my own life.

What do you do when you’re not writing?  I’m always writing – there’s never a moment where I’m not analyzing a bit of dialogue or being inspired by a snatch of song.  I file things away in my head.

What do you do to stay sane as a writer?  I write. The promotion and the editing are what drive me nuts the most.  It’s draining.

Do you read your reviews and if so, how do you cope with a bad one?  I do read my reviews, but so far, I’m lucky not to have had a ‘bad’ one.  It’s all someone else’s opinion, I guess – but telling myself that doesn’t mean I won’t fly off the handle the first time I do get a bad review.

I have found the writer’s community to be very supportive and welcoming.  Please share three writers that you recommend for us to check out.

  1. Megan Peters – the author of  The Hawk Prince
  2. The Ladies In Waiting of the Behind Closed Doors Website: I know there are actually five of us (including myself) listed here, but I just can’t make the choice between them!  All four of them (Nya Rawlyns is a pen name of one of the other ladies) have been fantastically helpful and are wonderful writers that you’ve just got to check out for yourselves.
  3. My third choice of an author is a little bittersweet. She and I co-wrote her first three novels and we were working on her fourth novel when she passed away in January of this year. Linda Eble Swain:

Please be sure to like M. Peters Facebook Page, follow her on Twitter and check out her webpage.

 Click below to buy Undisclosed Desires.

NewDesiresCoverForBlogs (1)

MY BODY-MINE Press Release



Catherine Treadgold
Fanny Press
PO Box 70515
Seattle, WA 98127

Fanny Press announces the July Release of MY BODY-MINE: A Story of Lust, Love, and Liberation

Seattle, WA—On July 15, 2013, Fanny Press will release MY BODY-MINE ($15.95, 324 pages, ISBN: 978-1-60381-534-5), by Blakely Bennett, the final episode in the MY BODY erotic suspense trilogy. In Books 1 and 2 Jane abandons her mundane existence as a successful businesswoman and willingly becomes the financially-dependent sexual plaything of two charismatic men, only to discover that their exhilarating game poses unforeseen dangers to both her body and her mind. In Book 3 she discovers what she truly desires from life and love.

“The story is exciting and enthralling and deserves to be a formidable success.”
—Ashley Lister,

“Dark erotica at its best.”
—Bookie Nookie Reviews.

“Hot, scorching and delicious!”
—Erzabet’s Enchantments

Jane has accepted that her relationship with her husband Luke, who drew her in to the dark side of BDSM, is over. She has taken refuge at the home of Luke’s powerful friend Marcello and his submissive, Janice. With Marcello’s patience exhausted, Jane must either submit to his demands or move on from his household and his support. Ultimately, she signs a six month contract of sexual servitude but, as Marcello and Jane grow closer, Janice feels neglected and jealous, creating tension in their normally easy daily rhythm.

In an effort to help Jane, her best friend Parker introduces her to Chase, a confident and flirtatious man who lacks the arrogance of either Luke or Marcello. Jane’s rapport with Chase is lighthearted and subtle, allowing her to gain a new perspective on men. She is intensely attracted to Chase but does not feel free to consider him as more than a friend.

Once Jane gets a real picture of Marcello’s extremes, she knows what she must do. Her feelings about Luke and Marcello and her own sexuality must be resolved before she can find true love with a man who appreciates everything she has to offer. Can she possibly find the kink she has come to desire without the full-time submission?

“I experienced a mix of emotions upon completing My Body-Mine,” says Blakely. “I accomplished my goal, which was in itself gratifying. I also felt sad to say goodbye to Jane, my protagonist. The most interest part of the journey to becoming an author has been meeting people who think my novels are true and my characters are real. I’m flattered that they feel the stories so deeply that they believe the My Body Trilogy is based on actual events.”

Blakely Bennett has been residing in the great Northwest for over seven years. She graduated from Nova Southeastern University with a degree in psychology, which accounts for her interest in crafting the personalities, struggles, and motivations of her characters. You can find Blakely on the Web at:

MY BODY-MINE is currently available for pre-order on After July 15, it will also be available in eBook and 5×8 trade paperback editions on, the European Amazons and Amazon Japan. Bookstores will be able to order through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or by contacting Other electronic versions will be for sale on Smashwords and from most major online eBook retailers.

About Fanny Press—Based in Seattle, Washington, Fanny Press is a new publisher of quality erotica—fiction, adult comic books, memoirs and nonfiction—the coolest books on the market.


The Power of Love and Hugs

tumblr_m8ki1hKNrh1rclhx0o1_250Don Juan DeMarco is a favorite movie of my husband’s and he watches it every few years. He watched it a few days ago as I tackled my social media and at the very end, this quote caught my imagination. “… (Don Juan) suffered from a romanticism which was completely incurable and even worse, highly contagious.” I think I’ve caught it. 😉

Imagine if love was contagious like an air borne disease. Wouldn’t that be glorious? Can you picture it? You’re walking down the street, minding your own business and you look up and find a couple in front of you making out. Like a spell cast, you head back home to find your wife and you wrap her up in a big warm hug. “I just had to tell you how much I love you,” you say.

We already know, from many studies, that hate is infectious. I assume most people are familiar with the blue-eyes, brown eyes experiment that Jane Elliot developed and used on her third grade class. If not, there are several articles online. The short version is that she split her class into two groups based on eye color and treated each group differently. The lesson was set out to teach about discrimination most especially regarding how black people were treated in the 60s. The experiment showed how easily we can group together against another community of people based on contrived cultural biases.

Why doesn’t it work the other way? Why isn’t love contagious?

Although it may not be contagious, we still feel its influence. We feel enriched when we hear of a great true love story and I, for one, never tire of hearing them. My husband and I have been told that our love is inspiring and gives people hope. I don’t think there is a bigger compliment than being an inspiration to someone else.

We are part of a wonderful community—two actually—where we share affection in the form of hugs with our friends. Hugs are a wonderful way to connect with those you love and care about. A warm embrace can shift a bad mood and/or make a person feel far less alone.

Check out this video on Free Hugs (It makes me cry every time):


Like love, hugs should be catching. Mata Amritanandamayi, otherwise known as the hugging saint, understands the power of the hug and has shared her physical embrace with millions of people.

Annie, my black stripped tiger kitty is lying across half of my lap and has her paw extended touching my right forearm. My left arm is draped over her back as I type and she is purring loudly. Just as she needs her daily affection, so do we. She is also brilliant at giving hugs. She loves to lay across my shoulder and press her head against my neck.

In the final book of the My Body Trilogy, Jane finally understands one of life’s most important lessons about love and connection.  That’s all I’m going to share about that. 😉 But suffice it to say, we could all use a little more true love and affection infection each and every day.  I hope we all “catch” the love bug and share it regularly.

Very warm hugs,


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Blakely’s Friday Interview with Sarah Daltry

Please give a warm welcome to Sarah Daltry, author of Forget Me Not.

Sensual Sexy LingerieTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’ve been writing for some time, although I didn’t officially go “live” until earlier this year. It’s one of those things – I did it for so long and it was something a few people knew that I did, but it was just a hobby. Finally, a friend suggested I actually stop doing it only as a distraction between work and socializing, so I did.

Right now, I am promoting my new book, Forget Me Not, which will be out soon. It is a novella length New Adult erotic romance. In my short story, “Her Brother’s Best Friend,” Lily finally sleeps with Derek, her brother’s best friend whom she’s had a crush on for years. Now, ten months later, things are going strong with them and she is off to college. However, when school starts, she realizes it’s hard to maintain a relationship while also trying to live her own life. She and Derek find themselves falling apart and Lily has no idea where to turn.

Enter Jack. Everything about him is wrong for Lily and she knows it, but she can’t stop herself from being attracted to him. When things implode with Derek, it’s Jack who is there to pick up the pieces – and show Lily an entirely new set of experiences she didn’t know she was missing.

Of course, Jack has his own problems and once Lily gets to know him better, she starts to wonder if she can handle all of Jack. When Derek reappears on the scene, Lily is forced to decide between two guys and herself. Can she find herself without losing the people who matter in the process?

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
This one is New Adult and very steamy. It is as much about coming of age as it is about discovering sexuality. I write erotica and romance in a variety of styles. I have several works that are basically straight-up smut (minimal plot and a lot of sex). I also have The Quiver of a Kiss, which is historical erotic romance based on the life of Helen of Troy.

What does your writing space look like?
My writing space is wherever I have my computer. Sometimes it’s my desk at work (although that’s a secret between us!); other times, it’s my couch or bed depending on time of day, energy level, etc. I’ve even dragged my laptop to Barnes and Noble’s café on more than one occasion when there was too much distraction at home.

Who are your three favorite books including the authors?
This is always a tough question. My favorite books change almost daily, depending on my mood. It’s also hard because I’m not sure if I should name my favorite in my genre or just in general! I love the classics, I have to admit. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is the ultimate bad boy love story. Romance writers today have to give her credit; there would be no Christian Grey without Heathcliff. The tortured antihero is perfected in that novel. Another favorite, also with a broken man, is The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway captures sexual tension like no one can, although the ending is depressing. I think Jake Barnes might be the love of my life, though. So there are two novels with male characters who are swoon worthy yet damaged. As far as vampires? I think my favorite vampire writer is Poppy Z. Brite (Lost Souls). She manages to get the sexy part down without sacrificing the whole vampire thing. I like the balance.

Is being an author your dream job? If so, how long have you been chasing the dream? If not, what would be your dream job?
Definitely, although it isn’t a perfect job. I love writing and I would love to be successful as a writer, having time to focus on my writing as my primary career. However, writing can be a lonely profession and it is far more stressful than a lot of people know. Still, I can’t think of anything else I would enjoy more than just writing. Except being a curator for the Met in NYC. That would basically be the coolest job of all time.

Is there a character that you enjoyed writing more than any of the others?
I love Nora from Bitter Fruits. She’s incredibly flawed. I liked telling her story because she was a lot of fun (her commentary entertained me) but also because she was not simple. She had a lot to face, but really her story could be taken out of the paranormal realm and it’s not much different than what a lot of college girls face. Her idea of love is a little different than that of others, but it makes sense to her. I enjoyed thinking about why we expect people to have the same relationships that we do; I think adults should be free to love other consenting adults and it’s not our place to define what is a moral or normal relationship (provided everyone is of age and in agreement). I think Fifty Shades taught us that there is often a lot going on under the surface of people’s lives.

What do you do when you’re not writing?
I am a master at wasting time! I work a lot, but when I’m not working or writing, I am usually doing absolutely nothing of value. I watch terrible TV, look for pictures of cats on the internet, play mindless video games… Basically, I look to turn off my brain for a little while.

How much time a day do you spend on social media?
Too much. I sometimes wonder how I can use Facebook for as many hours as I do and still get my work done. When I’m under deadline, I have to close all windows and resist the urge to check in or it isn’t getting done!

What do you do to stay sane as a writer?
Like I said, I entertain myself by turning it all off. As a writer, I am always about five ideas ahead of what I am working on at the moment. My sleep schedule is sporadic and, when I’m in the midst of something, it’s almost unhealthy. Thank God for coffee! I also take time off once in a while. If I’m in the early stages of something, it isn’t so bad, but once I get into rewrites and edits, I need sometimes to put it all away and forget it exists. That’s the best way. Also, I keep writing. There’s a lot of noise in my head; getting the words out helps quiet that noise.

Do you read your reviews and if so, how do you cope with a bad one?
I do. Truthfully, every single bad review makes me want to cry. Sometimes, I do cry. And then, I move on. It’s one person’s opinion. The greatest works of art in history (which I am not saying I create, just using as a comparison) have their detractors. If there is something in the review I can use, I take it into account. Otherwise, I leave it behind. I also think that there are two additional factors – one, people like to complain more than they like to compliment. Two, the internet is a haven for trolls. The anonymity calls to these people and just begs them to be jerks. So, I remind themselves that they are jerks.

I have found the writer’s community to be very supportive and welcoming.  Please share three writers that you recommend:

Braxton ColeChloe Thurlow, and Mary Lancaster

Please be sure to like Sarah Daltry’s Facebook pageBitter Fruits page and follow/friend her on TwitterTumblr and Goodreads!