I’m Back!


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Hi Everyone. Yes, I’m still alive, but I haven’t been writing much of late. I’ve been working three jobs (not counting writing and promoting). My wonderful husband, Dana, needed to be working less, so I picked up more work. All of my jobs are part-time and I primarily get to work from home, which I love. Plus, I get to set my own schedule for the most part. However, it doesn’t leave a lot of time or energy for my creative endeavors. But… I’m hoping my jobs slow down a bit soon, so I can focus more on writing and connecting with my friends and readers.

I do have some exciting news to share. I got the rights back to the My Body Trilogy (My Body-His, My Body-His (Marcello) & My Body-Mind) and had to have new covers made for them. They will be ready soon and I’ll be putting them up for purchase. I fell in love with my cover artist, so we had two other covers redone as well: The Demarcation of Jack and The Second First Chance. Spoiler alert: The Second First Chance’s new cover is my favorite!!

While I sit here typing this blog, we are snowed in and have been for six days. Our grocery stash has dwindled but I can’t complain because we have kept our electricity and Wi-Fi the whole time minus a few short brownouts. I’m definitely experiencing cabin fever!

The snow is gorgeous and plentiful but because we live up in the hills northeast of Seattle, we tend to get way more snow than the city folk. The Hippie Dippy Weatherman says we are due for rain, so fingers crossed that it happens soon.

I plan to be posting more often and to be around more on social media. I’m even venturing into Instagram, even though I swore off adding any more social media to the docket. 😊

Life has been great, but I have been WAY busier with work than I like to be. Here’s to things slowing down enough so I have the energy and the will to finish Samantha’s Maze. Samantha is tired of living in limbo, at least that’s what she said to me yesterday. 😉

Stay tuned for new polls, giveaways, and connecting again online!

A special Happy Valentine’s day to my closest and most supportive readers, I hope we can reconnect. I miss the Blakely Bennett Babes!

Warmest hugs,


The Top 65 Reasons I Love My Husband So Much!

Today is my favorite day of the year … the day my husband was born. For his 65th birthday, I’ve made a list of my top 65 reasons why I love him so much. There are so many more reasons I could have listed, but I’ll save those for his 75th birthday. 😀

As you will see, I am VERY lucky in love. Thank you, Dana, for making my life so much more worth living. I can’t imagine a life without you in it. Without further ado:

  1. heartsI love how confident you are.
  2. I love your voice, so deep and manly.
  3. I love that you work hard for us.
  4. I love your smile, which brightens my day.
  5. I love your face and the twinkle in your eyes.
  6. I love that you can fix and/or build almost anything.
  7. I love that you’re the father of our beautiful daughter.
  8. I love your relationship with my mother, which warms my heart.
  9. I love how loyal you are.
  10. I love that you are the first to jump in if someone is in trouble.
  11. I love that you’re a great listener and that you give me your undivided attention.red heart
  12. I love that we are true partners and share the chores.
  13. I love that you’re a great cook.
  14. I love how you make friends wherever you go.
  15. I love that you are so generous.
  16. I love that you mean what you say and say what you mean.
  17. I love that you’re so open I can hear your thoughts.
  18. I love how you willingly handle the icky stuff, like taking out the compost and getting the bat out of the house.
  19. I love that given a choice you always want to spend your time with me.
  20. I love that when you are happy, you sing as you walk around the house.
  21. cloudI love how much you care about the world and what is happening in it.
  22. I love that you’re a hippie (kind of like me).
  23. I love that when you make a decision, you stick to it.
  24. I love how creative you are sexually. It’s such a turn on.
  25. I love that your secret is that you have no secrets.
  26. I love the way you kiss my neck. Yummy!
  27. I love how you love me each and every day.
  28. I love that I can be my uninhibited real self with you.
  29. I love how my hand fits in yours.
  30. I love that you always reach for my hand when we’re out and about.
  31. bookI love that you support and encourage my writing.
  32. I love that you’re my first reader and biggest fan.
  33. I love being swirled up in your energy.
  34. I love how safe I feel with you.
  35. I love that you laugh at my jokes.
  36. I love that you GET my jokes.
  37. I love your kisses, which still melt me in my special places.
  38. I love how handsy you are. Not a day goes by in which I don’t feel desired.
  39. I love that you desire me whether I’m heavier or not.
  40. I love sleeping with you.
  41. I love your warm hugs.you
  42. I love how you spoon me, which is the perfect way to fall asleep.
  43. I love that you come back to bed to snuggle me in the morning.
  44. I love how we dance together.
  45. I love that we grow closer and closer the longer we are together.
  46. I love the sweet and sexy texts you send me.
  47. I love that we shower together almost every day.
  48. I love that you hold out my towel for me when I’ve finished showering.
  49. I love how you make me laugh and giggle.
  50. I love that during the course of our years together you’ve been open to growing and changing.
  51. heartsI loved our time at the cabin.
  52. I love how we work together.
  53. I love how our gaits synchronize.
  54. I love exercising with you.
  55. I love how we snuggle together on the couch.
  56. I love that you watch some shows with me, which aren’t really your thing.
  57. I love all the very sweet things you say to me and I know you mean.
  58. I love that you understand my need for alone time.
  59. I love that even when we are apart, I can still feel you next to me.
  60. I love that we’ll grow old together.
  61. handsI love how we communicate together, verbally and non-verbally.
  62. I love that after all these years, sex is still exciting and evolving for us.
  63. I love that the longer we are together, the more I love you.
  64. I love that I’m your favorite person.
  65. I love that you are mine as well.

Thank you Dana for choosing to share your life with me!

Warmest hugs to the greatest man I know,


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His Domain

own riskIn some ways, my husband and I fall into the traditional gender roles. If we found ourselves in a dangerous situation, he would put me behind him and protect us both. And just last week when the bat flew into our house, I screamed like a silly woman and let him handle it. In most other ways, we share the traditional gender roles between us, like shopping, cooking, cleaning, and child rearing. However, the garage is most definitely his domain and I tend to stay out of it. Continue reading

A Thousand More

DSC_0280resizeI’m feeling so much better, more myself, more open, more emotional. They seem to go together. I have so much appreciation bubbling over for my husband today. He’s really the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I wish everyone would get the chance to feel adored and treasured as my husband leaves me feeling daily. Continue reading

I’m Soooo Jealous!

20150713_155042Yesterday we went on a tour of Western Washington University, our daughter’s college of choice, and it’s the perfect fit for her. It’s on the sound, surrounded by woods and mountains. Not only is it a gorgeous location, but the medium size school is totally progressive.

I can’t help wishing (whistfully) to be young again. I’m not really jealous, but maybe slightly envious. Continue reading

The Importance of Being a Dad

ID-10036590I’m not one of those gifted with good relationships with my fathers (father and stepfather) and maybe because of that, I can speak to the importance a dad can play in a young girl’s life.

My father and I were never what I would call close. I honestly thought he didn’t like me. Being myself around him was hard because I didn’t feel comfortable or emotionally safe. As a little girl, I was starved for his attention. I think my efforts to get him to see me just pissed him off. It wasn’t until I was 28 that I had the courage (after years of not speaking) to ask him the one thing I really wanted to know. Did he like me? It may sound silly, but I wanted to know the truth. Continue reading

Being a Mom

Me and Aja0001One of the greatest joys of my life has to be being pregnant. I’m aware that this isn’t the most popular view of pregnancy, but I loved every second of it (besides the natural child birth). I have never felt more alive or more animal. I loved having our daughter growing inside me. She was an easy baby too, so we were very lucky with that. She rarely cried.

She challenged us to hell and back as a toddler and I have to say the terrible twos were more like two and a half to four and a half. My mother said over and over again, how you deal with her now (meaning her tantrums and outbursts) will reflect in her teenage years. Well I don’t know if we did something right or if we got damn lucky, but she has been a great teenager. She really is an inspiration to me. Continue reading

20 Years to Life

ID-100272375On Thursday, my wonderful husband and I will be celebrating twenty years together. That’s not too shocking given that many people manage it. However, after twenty years, we are still, and more so, madly in love with one another. We aren’t staying together for our daughter. We won’t be lost as empty nesters, we are looking forward to it. We aren’t staying together for religious reasons. We are staying together because we still very much enjoy each other in every aspect of our lives. We still crave sex with one another and “make out like teenagers” to quote our daughter. Continue reading

Nanowrimo and Fitness Challenge

November is the month for me to get off my ass, literally and figuratively. Although I’m not entering any of the Nanowrimo contests and I’ve already started my novel, I am using the daily discipline to help me finish Blue Persuasion this month. That’s right, you heard it here first!  Continue reading

Taking a Little Time Offline

Picture1We have family coming in to visit Tuesday night and I’m taking this opportunity to unplug for a week. I can’t remember the last time I have gone seven days without being online. It’s much needed and I think it’ll be good for my psyche. I could hop online each morning as our company sleeps in, but instead I plan to use the time to write. It’s definitely time to bet back to Blue Persuasion, book three of the Bound by Your Love Series.  Continue reading