What’s On My Mind…

062015 278Leading up to the release of my eighth novel, The Second First Chance, on Wednesday, I have a lot on my mind. Of course, there’s the usual—Will this be the book that really opens the hearts of Romance Readers everywhere? Will the reviews continue to be stellar? Will the sales for the release be as good as they were for Blue Persuasion? On and on it goes in my head.

Then there are the thoughts specific to TSFC. Most of my novels are stories written because they’re novels I’d want to read. After all, I’m a reader at heart and love a story that moves me and draws me in from the start and then changes me in the end. I love being lost in a story as a reader and a writer. Continue reading

Where the Heck Have I Been?

I’m sorry for the utter neglect of my blog. I did take off time for a vaca and since I’ve gotten back, I’ve been working on getting my husband’s (Dana Bennett) book ready to launch. And guess what? It’s out today! Woo hoo!

I’m so proud of his second book in the Jones Whitman Time Travel Series and I know you will just LOVE it. Continue reading

My New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

calvin-hobbes-new-years-resolutionsIt’s that time again to focus on our goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. I reread mine from last year and many will be the same for this year. I almost hit all my writing goals (different stories than I imagined), which is good and bad. I still haven’t found a good balance between writing, social media and relaxing. I definitely worked too much this year as well. So here goes: Continue reading