Can You Fall in Love Online?

onlineI asked this question of my Facebook friends and I was genuinely surprised to find out how many had met their spouses, partners, and lovers online. Many have been together 10+ years and counting.

I guess it’s not a complete surprise to me. I don’t think I’ve ever fallen in love online, although I definitely love friends I have met online and have yet to met in person. It’s definitely a different kind of love, but it’s still there. Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner #3

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nPlease give warm hugs and a wet kiss to Kinkster Deanndra. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

11125388_1635175703368293_173852556_nBlakely: Hi Deanndra. Thank you so much for joining us today! We are all looking forward to finding out what makes you kinky.
Deanndra: Ooooo, this is gonna be fun. Hope I don’t embarrass anyone too much. But the ideas I give someone could get them into trouble. I hope they’re fully prepared for that.

Blakely: What’s your definition of kinky?
Deanndra: Hmmm . . . I’d say reading the Kama Sutra front to back and making notes, and hanging out in adult stores more than in grocery stores, shoe stores, or boutiques. Having a professional mechanic’s tool chest full of toys and other goodies will do it too. Now I’m telling on myself, huh? Continue reading

Being a Mom

Me and Aja0001One of the greatest joys of my life has to be being pregnant. I’m aware that this isn’t the most popular view of pregnancy, but I loved every second of it (besides the natural child birth). I have never felt more alive or more animal. I loved having our daughter growing inside me. She was an easy baby too, so we were very lucky with that. She rarely cried.

She challenged us to hell and back as a toddler and I have to say the terrible twos were more like two and a half to four and a half. My mother said over and over again, how you deal with her now (meaning her tantrums and outbursts) will reflect in her teenage years. Well I don’t know if we did something right or if we got damn lucky, but she has been a great teenager. She really is an inspiration to me. Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner #2

11186350_1066502983379071_388392555_nPlease give warm hugs and a wet snog to Kinkster Neil. He is going to share with us today what makes him kinky and what really turns him on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

Blakely: Hi Neil. Thank you so much for joining us today! We are all looking forward to finding out what makes you kinky.
Neil: This should be really fun. Continue reading

Blakely’s Kinky Korner #1


Please give warm hugs and a wet snog to Kinkster Tammatha. She is going to share with us today what makes her kinky and what really turns her on. Hopefully, we will all learn something or at the very least get a few new good ideas. 🙂

11195451_10153166674235943_1514732539_nBlakely: Hi Tammatha. Welcome to Blakely’s Kinky Korner! Thank you so much for being my very first interviewee! <3
Tammatha: Hi Blakely Thank you for having me. I never really considered myself a kinster until people actually call my likes kinky.

Blakely: What do you think makes you kinky?
Tammatha: I think what makes me kinky is that my taste are out of the “norm” of what people would normally try or do. There aren’t very many things in the sexual realm I would not try. Continue reading

Your Spouse’s Sexual Needs

ID-10076442One of my best friends (who is a man and married) and I were just chatting about sex in marriage and I decided you all might want to chime in. I strongly believe as a loving, caring spouse, one should be concerned and invested in meeting their partner’s sexual needs. So many of my male friends are sexually dissatisfied at home. Their spouses don’t seem to want or need sex anymore, and are unwilling to make any strides to find out why that might be like hormone level testing and the like. Continue reading

20 Years to Life

ID-100272375On Thursday, my wonderful husband and I will be celebrating twenty years together. That’s not too shocking given that many people manage it. However, after twenty years, we are still, and more so, madly in love with one another. We aren’t staying together for our daughter. We won’t be lost as empty nesters, we are looking forward to it. We aren’t staying together for religious reasons. We are staying together because we still very much enjoy each other in every aspect of our lives. We still crave sex with one another and “make out like teenagers” to quote our daughter. Continue reading

Plan a Bed Day Soon!

I had an absolutely fabulous weekend with my husband. It’s been years since we’ve had a proper bed day and all I can say is PLAN A BED DAY SOON! You won’t regret it.


What is a bed day and how should I plan for it? I hear you all asking. Well I’ll tell you: Continue reading

Where the Heck Have I Been?

I’m sorry for the utter neglect of my blog. I did take off time for a vaca and since I’ve gotten back, I’ve been working on getting my husband’s (Dana Bennett) book ready to launch. And guess what? It’s out today! Woo hoo!

I’m so proud of his second book in the Jones Whitman Time Travel Series and I know you will just LOVE it. Continue reading


PREDESTINATION_27X40_R3MECH.inddThis blog is about the movie, but it’s also about my family. If you haven’t seen the movie and plan to, you might want to skip this post. Spoilers are included. I’m not recommending this film as I found it chockfull of flaws, but I will say it was interesting and we are still talking about it. So there is that. Continue reading