Today is my favorite day of the year … the day my husband was born. For his 65th birthday, I’ve made a list of my top 65 reasons why I love him so much. There are so many more reasons I could have listed, but I’ll save those for his 75th birthday.
As you will see, I am VERY lucky in love. Thank you, Dana, for making my life so much more worth living. I can’t imagine a life without you in it. Without further ado:
I love how confident you are.
- I love your voice, so deep and manly.
- I love that you work hard for us.
- I love your smile, which brightens my day.
- I love your face and the twinkle in your eyes.
- I love that you can fix and/or build almost anything.
- I love that you’re the father of our beautiful daughter.
- I love your relationship with my mother, which warms my heart.
- I love how loyal you are.
- I love that you are the first to jump in if someone is in trouble.
- I love that you’re a great listener and that you give me your undivided attention.
- I love that we are true partners and share the chores.
- I love that you’re a great cook.
- I love how you make friends wherever you go.
- I love that you are so generous.
- I love that you mean what you say and say what you mean.
- I love that you’re so open I can hear your thoughts.
- I love how you willingly handle the icky stuff, like taking out the compost and getting the bat out of the house.
- I love that given a choice you always want to spend your time with me.
- I love that when you are happy, you sing as you walk around the house.
I love how much you care about the world and what is happening in it.
- I love that you’re a hippie (kind of like me).
- I love that when you make a decision, you stick to it.
- I love how creative you are sexually. It’s such a turn on.
- I love that your secret is that you have no secrets.
- I love the way you kiss my neck. Yummy!
- I love how you love me each and every day.
- I love that I can be my uninhibited real self with you.
- I love how my hand fits in yours.
- I love that you always reach for my hand when we’re out and about.
I love that you support and encourage my writing.
- I love that you’re my first reader and biggest fan.
- I love being swirled up in your energy.
- I love how safe I feel with you.
- I love that you laugh at my jokes.
- I love that you GET my jokes.
- I love your kisses, which still melt me in my special places.
- I love how handsy you are. Not a day goes by in which I don’t feel desired.
- I love that you desire me whether I’m heavier or not.
- I love sleeping with you.
- I love your warm hugs.
- I love how you spoon me, which is the perfect way to fall asleep.
- I love that you come back to bed to snuggle me in the morning.
- I love how we dance together.
- I love that we grow closer and closer the longer we are together.
- I love the sweet and sexy texts you send me.
- I love that we shower together almost every day.
- I love that you hold out my towel for me when I’ve finished showering.
- I love how you make me laugh and giggle.
- I love that during the course of our years together you’ve been open to growing and changing.
I loved our time at the cabin.
- I love how we work together.
- I love how our gaits synchronize.
- I love exercising with you.
- I love how we snuggle together on the couch.
- I love that you watch some shows with me, which aren’t really your thing.
- I love all the very sweet things you say to me and I know you mean.
- I love that you understand my need for alone time.
- I love that even when we are apart, I can still feel you next to me.
- I love that we’ll grow old together.
I love how we communicate together, verbally and non-verbally.
- I love that after all these years, sex is still exciting and evolving for us.
- I love that the longer we are together, the more I love you.
- I love that I’m your favorite person.
- I love that you are mine as well.
Thank you Dana for choosing to share your life with me!
Warmest hugs to the greatest man I know,
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