Finding a Great Editor

When venturing into self-publishing, the most important area to spend your hard-earned money on is an editor. No one, in my opinion, should be their own editor or let their friends or family have a go at it for them.

Fortunately, finding an editor has been relatively easy for us. All editors, of any value that is, will offer to do a sample of your novel for you. This way, you can see what they have to offer and compare their sample with others.

There is a wide variety of talent out there and therefore you should know ahead of time what you’re hoping to find. Some potential editors simply added commas and offered a word suggestion or two. To me, that isn’t editing. That is having a test/beta reader read through your novel.

I personally want an editor that will elevate my writing and improve my sentence structure and/or paragraph structure when needed. He/she will make suggestions, find flaws, and even add an action if/when needed.

Believe it or not, as an editor can be too hands-off, they can be too heavy handed as well. No one wants the voice of his or her characters to be altered or changes made to the storyline, so you have to be vigilant against that overreaching touch.

Like Goldilocks, I tend to like someone in-between with a medium hand. If I had to choose a side, I’d rather the editor be a little more hands-on because it gives me more to either keep or to discard.

Fortunately for me, several of my friends, who are also authors, were willing to offer suggestions for a new editor making it easy for us to find the right fit. Thanks again to you all. Have you found it easy to find an editor you like to work with? Love to hear from you.

Please be sure to check back on Wednesday when I will share the first chapter of my current project, Stuck In-Between, the first novel in the Bound by Your Love Series. This is in honor of passing 1000 likes on the series page. My goal is to finish the book before the end of the year. I’d love to hear what you think of the first chapter. 🙂

Warm hugs,


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