It’s so exciting to have another novel out! I honestly think it’s my best writing to date. Below are the links to buy.
Please join me on Facebook for the release event, games, and giveaways HERE.
Join the rafflecopter giveaway HERE.
It’s so exciting to have another novel out! I honestly think it’s my best writing to date. Below are the links to buy.
Please join me on Facebook for the release event, games, and giveaways HERE.
Join the rafflecopter giveaway HERE.
Polishing the pearl is the phrase my husband and I use for massaging the clit. It can be of the masturbatory variety or partnering. “Honey, would you like me to polish your pearl in the morning?” or “Did you polish your pearl while I was at work?” YES and I sure did! A tongue can also polish the pearl and that is what brings me to this particular blog.
A young male friend of mine asked me for advice about good techniques for going down on a woman. What follows is what I said to him: Continue reading
Lainie is a thirty year old, full-figured woman entrenched in a love affair with a married man. Although Lainie loves Mason desperately, she vows never to say those three little words while he remains with his wife.
Stayman, an enigma in Lainie’s close-knit group of friends, has been circling her with interest, trying to garner her attention. When circumstances make it clear who’s blocking his way—Mason—Stay goes full-court press in pursuit of Lainie.
Lainie doesn’t see Stay as relationship potential because she is blinded by her love for Mason. However, the more she learns about Stay, the more she comes to realize she never really knew him in the first place.
An unexplainable mystical connection evolves between Lainie and Stay and she has to choose between a man she so hopelessly loves and a man who offers her everything she needs.
Blakely is married to a wonderful, loving and supportive husband, also a writer, who helps to keep her grounded. She is a mother, a communitarian, a lover of music (always on while she is writing—thank you, Pandora), and a good friend. An advocate of love and female empowerment, she is a facilitator for a women’s group. She loves to walk and hike for exercise and finds that, since moving to Seattle, WA, she is now one of those “crazy” people who walk in the rain.
Jacqs is a twenty-eight year old woman caught up in an on again, off again relationship with Bond, who is her best friend and the one who causes her the most heartache. She succumbs, yet again, to his powerful charisma, but vows not make it into more than it is, a great night of sex.
Bond, too sexy for his own good, wants Jacqs for himself as he “dates” his way through the female population of South Florida. He selfishly doesn’t see the conflict of interest.
Red, Bond’s best friend, has watched Bond take Jacqs for granted for way too long and soon stakes his own claim on her.
Will Red and Jacqs budding relationship pull apart their tight-knit group of friends and will Jacqs survive being Stuck In Between.
I’ve been protecting myself. And in a place of self-protection, I can’t create, I can’t be vulnerable, I can’t be empathic to my characters. It’s not that the story isn’t there or that I’m stuck. I’m not. The truth is I don’t feel like writing another book. My heart hurts.
I’m a pretty intelligent sort and I know with all creative endeavors there are critics. So it would be beyond stupid of me to expect none. What I didn’t expect was mean. I have never written a mean review in my life because I know that if a story or a piece of art isn’t for me, it just isn’t. I don’t have to bash and shame and degrade other writers or artists. I don’t even have to understand their point.
Right now I’m exhausted and I’m pissing and moaning. Please forgive me. I’m just tired of pushing so hard. I wish I had the self-esteem of my husband (an enviable trait) because then I’d just brush off any negative review and focus on the abundance of positive ones. I’d persevere. And I will. I’ll get back to it. I’ll come out of hiding and let my guard down again, soon.
I’m in limbo waiting to see what happens with Bittersweet Deceit coming out August 5th. Then I will decide if I want to continue chasing the dream full-time.
I just finished watching Brené Brown: Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count:
She makes an interesting point, well several, but the one I’m pointing out is about courage. She says it’s an important value to hold. Am I courageous? Sometimes I am. I think what I need more is tenacity.
Brené shared on her video my favorite quote of all time:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
Maybe I need to read the quote every single day! One hundred days in a row!
Make sure to check out the video above. It was a good reminder to me that only the courageous persevere.
Warm hugs,
Please feel free to friend me on Facebook.
Find me Twitter & Pinterest.
Hi to all my lovely readers,
I’m featured on another blog called The Sassy Pen. Check out my interview and spotlight. There are more questions past the blurbs for each book, so make sure to scroll down.
I have a cover reveal coming up on July 14th and a release blast August 5-7 for Bittersweet Deceit. If you’d like to participate (review copies available) you can sign up HERE. I’m also accepting donations for my celebration giveaway. If you’d like to donate, you can sign up HERE.
I won’t be posting author interviews for the months of July and August. We plan to be spending a lot of time up at the lake where we don’t have WiFi. The interviews will resume September 5th.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. I’m actually sporting a tan!
Warm hugs,
Please feel free to friend me on Facebook.
Find me Twitter & Pinterest.
Now let me explain before you go shaking your head like Lainie often does in Bittersweet Deceit (out August 5th). You might be shocked to find out that reading erotica, especially for women who are experiencing a drop in their libido, will help revive or amp up their sex life. There are plenty of the health benefits, which come from masturbation as well. Women going through “the change” greatly reduce their symptoms of dryness and hot flashes with regular orgasms.
Reading can help get you in the mood for some loving as I’ve been told from my readers time and again. Some even reread the scenes they like the best to get revved up. Many have mentioned reading the stories out loud to their partner. Continue reading
Please give a warm welcome to Eleanor Green, author of Torn.
Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
Hi there! I’m Eleanor Green and I’ve recently released Torn, a New Adult Romance!
Has a dream every inspired any of your stories?
Yes! I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but I have crazy-ass dreams! Some are worth writing down, others have me guessing, Why did I just dream that Patrick Dempsey was seducing me in a booth while I interviewed someone for a job? I don’t even find him attractive. What the hell did I eat last night? Continue reading
On Saturday night my husband, Dana, and I went to a dance and when…
…HAPPY started to play I thought about what really makes me happy. You might be surprised to learn that being an author—my dream job—so far hasn’t done that. I have happy moments for sure. Fabulous reviews, meeting my readers, forging new friendships, being satisfied with my writing but overall I honestly can’t say it’s made me happy on an ongoing basis. It can be hard, frustrating, annihilating, disheartening and many other adjectives. Continue reading
Please give a warm welcome to Cynthia Sax, author of Flashes of Me.
Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
Hi! (waves) I’m Cynthia Sax and I write contemporary, SciFi and paranormal erotic romances. My latest release is Flashes of Me, a 200 page contemporary erotic romance published with Avon. This is a modern twist on Beauty and the Beast with one very hunky head of cyber security and a beautiful yet secretive young intern.
What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
Flashes Of Me, my most recent release, is a contemporary erotic romance. I love the purism of contemporary as much of the focus is on the characters. I don’t have to explain how a modern door works. (grins) I also write SciFi and paranormal erotic romances. That’s where I have fun with the big world building. Continue reading
I’ve written a blog about kissing in the past and once again I feel inspired by the topic. A guy friend recently asked me if I thought kissing was a behavior that a person could learn to do better. I don’t exactly believe the old adage that practice makes perfect but I definitely believe that the more you do something, the better you get. Continue reading