Stuck in Between RELEASE BLITZ Day Three

Click on the banner to follow the blitz and read the first THREE chapters of Stuck In Between by Blakely Bennett!


Title: Stuck In Between Continue reading

Stuck in Between RELEASE BLITZ Day Two

CLICK on the banner to follow the blitz and read the first THREE chapters of Stuck In Between by Blakely Bennett!


Title: Stuck In Between
Author: Blakely Bennett
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: March 24, 2014
Cover Designer: Yocla Designs

Stuck in Between RELEASE BLITZ Day One

Click on the banner to follow the blitz and read the first THREE chapters of Stuck In Between by Blakely Bennett!


Title: Stuck In Between
Author: Blakely Bennett
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: March 24, 2014
Cover Designer: Yocla Designs

Release Day for Stuck in Between

stuckinbetweenprintunflattened (1)

Stuck in Between is now available in the US in eBook and paperback.

In other countries (paperback should be available in all the countries listed soon):

Canada: eBook
UK: eBook & Paperback
France: eBook & Paperback
Italy: eBook & Paperback
Spain: eBook
Germany: eBook & Paperback
Japan: eBook 
Brazil: eBook
Mexico: eBook
Australia: eBook

Please let me know what you think of the story. I love hearing from my readers.

Please join us on Facebook for the release event where you can play games and win prizes.

Enter the rafflecopter giveaway to win tons of books, Amazon gift cards, and swag.

Warm hugs,


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Guest Blog: – The story, the goals, the ambitions.

Please give a warm welcome to Jack Hunter who is guest blogging today.

670-free-membershipJust over a year ago I (Jack) was reading a book called “My Secret Garden” by Nancy Friday. The book is a collection of female fantasies. They were collected by the author and then collated into a book, which gives a fascinating insight in the secret fantasy lives of women.

The book really got me thinking, I thought about how keen these ladies seemed to talk about their fantasy lives. How varied and in some cases extreme their fantasies were. I realized that even though this book was written in the 1970’s things still haven’t changed that much. Women are still judged for enjoying sex, they are still treated as sexual objects and they are still to some extent sexually repressed.

I talked this through with an old friend (Lola now my partner at Secret Erotica) and she started to complain about the low quality of erotica sites on online and also about the fact that they were all so female-unfriendly with lots of annoying guys on them.

That’s when the idea for Secret Erotica came about. We decided to create an amazing online community for ourselves and the rest of the world to enjoy free from misogyny and horny internet pests! Continue reading

My Writing Process – Blog Tour

profile_picToday is my turn for Blog Tour Day. This blog tour is a site where writers and authors answer questions about their writing process. My friend ELR Jones posted his last week. You can check out her writing process here: Life in “E” motion

What am I working on?
I just started the next novel in the Bound by Your Love series called Bittersweet Deceit. I’m finalizing the formatting for Stuck in Between (book 1) and gearing up for the release on March 24th and the blitz on March 25-27. I’m woefully behind on my social media (I need to catch up). Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Meredith Wild

Please give a warm welcome to Meredith Wild, author of Hardpressed.

venusTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m currently promoting the sequel in my Hacker Series, Hardpressed, and I’m working on a new novel, On My Knees, which will be the first in the Bridge Family trilogy that will highlight the stories of three siblings in a seemingly perfect family and their romantic adventures.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
Right now I’m exclusively working in the erotic romance genre. I do plan to venture out of it at some point. I’m not sure when though, because I am having an awful lot of fun writing angsty smut at the moment. Continue reading

Oh, the Anticipation!

bianca-van-der-weft_anticipationStuck in Between is in the hands of reviewers and my street team, and I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the verdict. The anticipation is like after going on a great first date and waiting for him/her to call. It’s really not a horrible place to be, more like a mix of titillation and abject fear. LOL!

I’m fighting with myself over giving into the excitement because of the worry over the fall. I’m standing on the edge of the cliff, not knowing if I will fly or crash. There is something rather exhilarating about that. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with E.L.R. Jones

Please give a warm welcome to E.L.R. Jones, author of The Norton Sisters: Rayna.

Hades Mistress book coverTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting. 
My Author pen is E.L.R. Jones (yes, these are my actual given initials-lol). I am new to the published Author scene, but I have 4 works out and available for purchase.  I have been writing since I was 14. My latest work is Hades Mistress which is due to release on March 14th. I am excited about this piece because I truly love Greek Mythology.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
This book falls in the Contemporary Romance genre. Yes, I do.  I have a poetry book and I have a few Paranormal Romance novels to come.  Most of my books deal with some form of interracial relationship though.
Continue reading

A Man’s Fascination with a Younger Woman

rushdie1I read an article about women in their seventies still having sex (partnered and solo). It started me thinking about what it might be like when I’m in my seventies. It also brought up for me—again—men’s general fascination with younger women. My husband is fifteen years older than I. Continue reading