Nobody’s Perfect

imagesI love my family so much and would never trade them for the world, but I HATE watching TV or movies when both my daughter and husband are in the room. They are huge talkers and love to gab through the most important and/or intense scenes. This drives me crazy. The other option we have come up with is pausing while they have their philosophical conversation, but that too kills it for me. Like when reading a book, I like to lose myself in the story and the constant starting and stopping makes it very hard for me to do so. Forget it if it’s a show they really don’t like, then the conversation floodgates are open.

In the scheme of things in creating a life together and a loving family, the above matters very little. I bring this up because NOBODY is perfect. I’m certainly not. Continue reading

My Writing Process – Blog Tour

profile_picToday is my turn for Blog Tour Day. This blog tour is a site where writers and authors answer questions about their writing process. My friend ELR Jones posted his last week. You can check out her writing process here: Life in “E” motion

What am I working on?
I just started the next novel in the Bound by Your Love series called Bittersweet Deceit. I’m finalizing the formatting for Stuck in Between (book 1) and gearing up for the release on March 24th and the blitz on March 25-27. I’m woefully behind on my social media (I need to catch up). Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Meredith Wild

Please give a warm welcome to Meredith Wild, author of Hardpressed.

venusTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m currently promoting the sequel in my Hacker Series, Hardpressed, and I’m working on a new novel, On My Knees, which will be the first in the Bridge Family trilogy that will highlight the stories of three siblings in a seemingly perfect family and their romantic adventures.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
Right now I’m exclusively working in the erotic romance genre. I do plan to venture out of it at some point. I’m not sure when though, because I am having an awful lot of fun writing angsty smut at the moment. Continue reading

Oh, the Anticipation!

bianca-van-der-weft_anticipationStuck in Between is in the hands of reviewers and my street team, and I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the verdict. The anticipation is like after going on a great first date and waiting for him/her to call. It’s really not a horrible place to be, more like a mix of titillation and abject fear. LOL!

I’m fighting with myself over giving into the excitement because of the worry over the fall. I’m standing on the edge of the cliff, not knowing if I will fly or crash. There is something rather exhilarating about that. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with E.L.R. Jones

Please give a warm welcome to E.L.R. Jones, author of The Norton Sisters: Rayna.

Hades Mistress book coverTell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting. 
My Author pen is E.L.R. Jones (yes, these are my actual given initials-lol). I am new to the published Author scene, but I have 4 works out and available for purchase.  I have been writing since I was 14. My latest work is Hades Mistress which is due to release on March 14th. I am excited about this piece because I truly love Greek Mythology.

What genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
This book falls in the Contemporary Romance genre. Yes, I do.  I have a poetry book and I have a few Paranormal Romance novels to come.  Most of my books deal with some form of interracial relationship though.
Continue reading

A Man’s Fascination with a Younger Woman

rushdie1I read an article about women in their seventies still having sex (partnered and solo). It started me thinking about what it might be like when I’m in my seventies. It also brought up for me—again—men’s general fascination with younger women. My husband is fifteen years older than I. Continue reading

Blakely’s Friday Interview with Anja Pruitt

Please give a warm welcome to Anja Pruitt, author of When Love Calls.

2013-10-14 10.23.19Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re currently working on or promoting.
I’m Anja Pruitt, married mother of two and I live in North Carolina. In addition to writing books I also write poetry and music. The novel I just completed, When Love Calls, is my first romance novel. I’m currently working on the sequel, When Love Waits. Continue reading

Cover Reveal for Geared to the Present by Dana Bennett

I’m so happy to share the cover of my husband’s novel Geared to the Present. I just love it. What do you think? Available on Amazon!


Author: Dana Bennett
Release Date: February 27, 2014
Cover Designer: Yocla Designs


Geared to the Present is the story of Jones Whitman who, after making unsavory lifestyle choices in Boston society, learns his father, James, has arranged for him to school under the tutelage of Master Wong Fei-hung in Foshan, China. Jones Whitman submits to the teaching, evolving into a strong and ethical young man. Fei-hung, master of Hung Gar gives each student a new name upon graduation. Jones’s new name is 時光旅行者, Time Traveler. Jones spends the next seven years working diligently on a design for a time machine. The Atomotron. When the first human trial is to take place, he inadvertently trips the lever and jumps forward 120 years to Snohomish, Washington, 2012. That’s where the real adventure begins.


Jones blushed upon realizing the short length of Darcy’s skirt. He had never seen a woman dressed in that manner. He brought his attention back to her freckled face and brown eyes, at once feeling rather mesmerized and confused. Ever the gentleman, he struggled not to stare at her bare legs.
“You’re not hard on the eyes at all. If you clean up your act—”
“I beg your pardon? What does that mean?”
“Take off those goggles, you look kinda weird with ‘em on.”
“This seems incredibly contentious for a first time meeting,” Jones said, removing his goggles.
 “That’s the kind of girl I am. What’s your name?” She took a tentative step forward and found the green in his hazel eyes captivating.
“Jones Whitman. And yours?”
“I’m Darcy Champagne.” She squinted in the sunlight and dropped her arms to the sides. “Are you from England?”
“No I am not. Please, may I have a few moments to explain the situation in which I find myself?”
“Sure, but this better be good, ‘cause I’m running outta steam for this get together.”
“Yes, as I have as well with the Atomotron.” Jones pointed to the machine. “Well, how shall I begin?” He laid his goggles and dustcoat on the picnic table and took a deep breath contemplating a way to move events forward. “What do you know of time travel?”
“H.G.? I’ve read a few books. I’m in a steampunk sort of mood these days. I even have a corset to wear for this year’s Steamcon.”
“What?” Jones asked. “So, wait, where am I? And what date would it be today?”
“Okaaaay. Now that’s a really odd question.”
Darcy began to back up, crossing her arms in front of her once again.
“It will not seem strange in a few moments, I assure you.”
“You’re in Snohomish, Washington and it’s Sunday, June 2012, and I don’t off hand remember the exact date.”
“This is incredible. I am stunned.” Jones glanced at the toggles on the time machine. “I left Boston, Massachusetts on Monday, 7 September 1891, at precisely 9:30 am.”
“Yeah, right,” she said with a nervous grin. “I’m starting to think you need some help.”
She pulled out her cell phone and looked at it.
“I know how this must sound but please bear with me. I am Jones Whitman, nephew of Walt Whitman—”
“Oh right. Sure you’re the nephew of Walt Whitman and I’m the niece of… of Joan of Arc.”
“You are making light of me, I can tell. So how can I prove to you that I am who I say I am?”
“Wikipedia. If you’re somebody famous, that invented a time machine—well that’s ridiculous because if you had, we’d all be using one right now! Who are you?” Darcy’s eyes widened, the angst apparent in her voice. “I think I’ll call Taylor and have him take you to a shelter.”
Jones wiped his forehead on his sleeve and sat down on the picnic table.
“There must be a way I can explain. I assure you these circumstances came to be by accident. I tripped—”
“Okay. Let’s say you’re telling the truth, then why can’t you just travel back to where you came from?”
“Because I have bent two gears that are crucial to generating the low vibration used to expand my atomic gravitational field to allow for a lateral time and space displacement.”
“What the…? What did you just say?”
Jones sighed.
“May I intrude upon you for a glass of water?”
“That is not what you just said.”
Darcy flopped down next to Jones.
“Yes, I know. However, my immediate need is to quench my thirst.” Jones glanced in the direction of the house. “Would this be your domicile?”
“Yeah. Came by it from the death of my father.”
“And your mother?”
“She’s in a facility. She never got over my Dad’s death. And what business is it of yours anyway?” Darcy looked Jones up and down.
“I realize it is none of my business. I am a curious kind of fellow.” Jones waited.
 Darcy stared at Jones for a moment. “Come on. I’ll take you inside.”
“You can feel completely assured that I mean you no harm,” he said as he rose from the table.
“Not necessary, I’m highly intuitive. I wouldn’t be asking you in if I had even one red flag.” She traipsed over the yard toward the house and bounced up the steps with Jones in tow.


Dana Bennett lived in north central Florida for the first chapter of his life. After high school, he spent the next chapter working with problem teens and their families in Pensacola, Florida and then spent time on the Colorado River Indian Reservation, in Parker, Arizona helping the Native American population. He graduated from Nova Southeastern with a degree in psychology later in life. He has had many eclectic professional experiences in the work arena, always returning to the creativity he finds in building and construction as well as crafting new stories.

He has three wonderful daughters and two adorable grandsons. He is married to his best friend and partner in life, love, and business. They have a strong supportive community of friends and neighbors who encourage them daily to keep writing.

He enjoys each day with Blakely as they work on their never finished project, life. Writing is his bliss and both he and Blakely are chasing the dream of writing full time.

You can find out more by going to:


Blakely’s Friday Interview with Dana Bennett (on Thursday)

Please give a warm welcome to my best friend and husband, Dana Bennett, author of Geared to the Present, Jones Whitman Time Travel Series and The Demarcation of Jack. Make sure to check back tomorrow to see the cover reveal for Geared to the Present!

DSC_0279resizeWhat genre is your book? Do you write in other genres as well?
Geared to the Present, Jones Whitman, Time Traveler is a new adult, historical fiction, time travel romance. My wife and I recently published The Demarcation of Jack which is contemporary romance with a twist.

Do you use test readers? If so, how many?
I do use test readers or beta readers, as we call them, and they are invaluable to producing your best product. Usually around five. Make sure your list of questions for your readers will lend to perfecting your product.

What advice do you have for writer’s just starting out?
Write about what you love and it will show through in your work, but most importantly, write. Create a great product and it will sell itself; a good story with interesting characters combined with appropriate beta readers and a pro editor, and of course, a beautiful cover that tells the story of your book in one picture. A picture is worth a thousand, or in our case, 70 to 90 thousand words, or more. AND wear virtual earplugs for a while, ‘cause everybody’s an expert.

Do you outline your stories or just go with the flow?
It’s sort of an outline. I have an excel worksheet that lists scenes with characters, location and purpose of the scene. When I write I refer to the worksheet, but the characters don’t always read the worksheet and I can find myself being pulled in a whole new direction.

What does your writing space look like?
It’s an unorganized mess on my desk, but I have reminders of grammar issues hanging to my left and bio’s of all of my characters with photos hanging to my right. That helps me with their voices.

Do you have any writing rituals or interesting writing quirks?
Yes. I write best between eight and noon. I can go longer but the quality begins to diminish. I enjoy research. However, I can also find myself with ten websites open and may have forgotten the original question. 😉

Is there a message in your book(s) that you want readers to grasp?
I really enjoy strong female characters and men who aren’t afraid to show emotions, so the characters are constantly surprising me with some of their dialogue. I hope to free both men and women from their contrived, role expectations.

Was one of your characters more challenging to write than another?
I suppose that might be Roark. He is a six foot eight inch man of Irish descent who has been hired by Jones as a bodyguard. So he needed to be tough but lovable as well. My wife, who is my first reader, says that Jones and Roark have a bromance going on that she really likes.

What do you do to stay sane as a writer?
Write. Work on something else. I also work with my hands as a carpenter, which gives a different kind of creative outlet.

What do you do when you’re not writing?
Spending precious time with my best friend, Blakely Bennett. I do have projects outside of the home, but whenever I can I am at her side, talking about the future, better ways to play, what our characters are up to and new ideas for stories.

Do you read your reviews and if so, how do you cope with a bad one?
I do read reviews. I respect that POV is just that. When I’ve worked really hard, as well as my editor and beta readers, and I really love my product, I stand behind it. I don’t expect everyone to love my kids the way that I do and I certainly don’t give credence when a person is just flat out mean. I dismiss them and move on.

You can find Dana on Facebook, Facebook Page, Twitter and soon on his blog.

To buy Dana’s book, please click on the cover below or the links in the interview. Geared to the Present will be available on Amazon in paperback and eBook February 27th.

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The SIZE of Things

136544000114312934858001199_DNews__0200__040513__penis_size_ARI recently watched two documentaries that I think are worth discussing. The first was called The Unhung Hero, about a man who after publicly proposing to his girlfriend at a large sporting event suffered a brutal turndown and found out later the main reason for her declining had to do with the size of his penis (too small). The second story called Aroused was a video/photo shoot by the fine art photographer Deborah Anderson who featured sixteen of the world’s most successful female adult film stars. Continue reading